Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thursday 14th April - Cruising the Sacred Valley

Our pet tour organiser guy in Cusco (Victor) offered us the chance to have a tour along the sacred valley rather than get the train straight up to Aguas Calientes (village by Machu Picchu), so this morning we stood all perky and ready only to be met by yesterday's tour guide again (Bernie) (Bernie?!). Booo. Having had a proper night's sleep we hoped to be able to understand him better but our hopes were in vain.
In spite of only understanding 40% of what he said (the 60% included all the key words), we had a pretty amazing day. One of the highlights was the huge inca citadel outside Pisaq (see pic for view),  and there was also a fountain that stopped if you ran a finger across it, high terraces which we climbed up to a sun temple and a huge buffet lunch including a rather tasty alpaca stew and sweetcorn the size of my fingernail. We drove through some really poor areas with houses made out of mud bricks and dogs, children and pigs wandering all over the place. Done if the houses have images of incan gods sculpted in mud on the walls (condors, pumas and snakes, in charge respectively of the worlds above, here and below)
In amongst the rest of the tour group are two brazilians who spend their time trying to befriend the rest of the group (particularly Emma and Sarah). They keep trying to get us to go out drinking with them but so far we have managed to resist.
After our tour we met Victor in  Ollantantambo (the last stop) and got all our documents for Machu Picchu. We caught the train to Aguas Calientes and arrived late at night, all excited about tomorrow.

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